The only constant in life is change

Change management

We support entrepreneurs, managers and their employees in recognizing changes and successfully coping with them with our knowledge, experience and proven instruments.


• Strategy process design

 Real Time Change Procedure
Group Strategy and Action Program ™(Borwick International) GSAP

Strategy Assessment Tools and Procedures
Strategic Assumption Analysis

Success consists in having exactly the skills that are needed at the right moment
Henry Ford

Strategy and organizational development

We analyze and develop organizational systems in close cooperation with our clients. We accompany our clients over many years in creating mutual understanding of the “history” and on the basis of established trust.


Design and coaching of restructuring and transformation programs

Organizational Assessment
Resilience Check

ESG Fitness Check
Is Yours a Learning Organization?

Organizational Merger

Process Analysis and Redesign

You can be very close and still very reserved.
Unknown Author

Coaching und Training

Entrepreneurs, executives and managers often feel left alone with their questions, problems and decisions and are looking for a coach they can trust and meet on an equal footing.
Long-standing trustful coaching is based on proximity and distance: competence in pointing out and discussing alternative perspectives and solutions – respect for the personal sphere and decision-making sovereignty.


Entrepreneur and executive coaching

Management and leadership development

Conflict management

Leadership training


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