We have been working with experienced consulting partners for many years. This ensures the availability of competent consultants, high flexibility and a lean organization.


Borwick International Inc.
Systemic Consulting
Brussel – New York
Dannemiller Tyson Associates 
Ann Arbor, USA

Michael DeStefano
DeStefano Consulting
Dornbirn, Austria
Dr. Wolfgang Fiel
Institute for cultural policy
five i’s innovation consulting
Dornbirn, Austria
Dr. Angelika Gabriel-Ritter
Organisationsentwicklung und Coaching 
Feldkirch, Austria
John Gibney
Managing Differences Pty. Ltd.
Melbourne, Australia
Fiona Martin
Socioanalytic Organisational Consultant
Coach & Researcher
Melbourne, Australia
Elco Schwartz
Consulting and Coaching 4 Good
Wassenaar, Netherlands

Siegfried Wien
Beratung und Training


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